The Fabulous Fiftieth
Reunion Party ! A Florida Upsilon Chapter of SAE 50th reunion party was held at the Gainesville Garden Center at 1350 NW 75th Street, Gainesville, on October 12, 2002. The party began at 3:30 PM and by 4:30 we had more than 200 folks having a great time. The party "on the patio" was spirited, the food was delicious and beautifully served in the main lounge. The entertainment and announcements were excellent, led by Master of Ceremonies, Hill Brannon. Mo Allen lead us in singing some of our favorite SAE songs. Hugh McLean, with Bob McClure as presenter, was was given a special "True Gentleman" award for being the ram-rod of this event and staying on the phone and email keeping everyone up to date and working to find all the Brothers and let them know about the reunion. Bob also did a lot of research on the "Honorable Mention area" of the web site and gave a lot of help in locating Brothers. Bill and Dodie Andrews put on a beautiful spread and no one went hungry! Dave and Karen Morrish handled the nametags and had the first opportunity to greet our returning Brothers and their guests. Bobby Morris handled the communications with the Chapter and with Mo Allen and also did the collecting, safeguarding and display of the memorabilia from the Chapter House. Glover Stump was always there to help if needed. The party continued through game time with folks who were not going to the game having such fun that they just stayed and stayed. It may be that there were folks AT the game that wished they were still at the Garden Club. But loyal SAE Gators who are fortunate enough to regularly have tickets and those who got tickets as a result of the reunion were stalwart and they all said as they left the game, "Just wait till next year!". Many thanks from the committee to all those who were instrumental in helping with the planning and execution of the event. There are too many to name and you know who you are. It was a heroic and historic event to bring all our brothers together, there was many a teary eye and no one left disappointed. We hope that everyone will stay in touch with each other. Watch for photos of the event to be put up soon.