Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Tracking System 

What is DMLT TransMaint ?'s DMLT TransMaint is a complete motor vehicle maintenance and repair order tracking system developed exclusively for school districts of all sizes.

With its easy, web based interface, authorized users can submit, review, and process service orders related to your school district's Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Repair operations.

DMLT TransMaint enables those responsible for placing, estimating, approving, and executing service requests to "handle the paperwork" wherever and whenever they have access to the Internet.

Designed to provide a chain of responsibility for tracking of maintenance and repair orders, it offers unequaled opportunity for qualified participants to know the nature of an order, the responsible party assigned to service the order, and the final disposition of that order, including materials and labor costs.

DMLT TransMaint features a variety of built-in reports, including current and historical data per vehicle to monitor fuel efficiency,

Beyond its extensive built-in capabilities, DMLT TransMaint provides easy transfer of data into Microsoft Excel and other major spreadsheet programs for advanced analysis.


Who uses DMLT TransMaint?
The program provides multiple levels of access, granting different types of users differing sets of views and program rights.

The program is password protected, effectively preventing access by any but properly authorized personnel.  Each user is uniquely identified and assigned a role commensurate with his level of authority.

A specific user is assigned program rights as a...


Other Authorized District Personnel – Such as a Principal, Coach, Driver, or certain School Staff - may be given View Only permissions, which would allow them to track the repair status of specific vehicles for availability at all times.

Director: Is authorized to submit, review, assign a mechanic, estimate, add notes, and generate report data for statistical analysis for all sites.

Supervisor: Is authorized to submit, review, assign a mechanic, estimate, add notes, and generate report data for statistical analysis for his assigned site.

Mechanic: Is authorized to submit, review, estimate, and add notes.  The program will issue Inspection, Safety, and other forms to be manually filled out by the mechanic, then be turned in for filing by a designated data entry clerk.

Other Authorized District Personnel: May be given permissions to View Only for repair status and availability of specific vehicles.


What does the program do?
At its most basic level, DMLT TransMaint stores and selectively retrieves information related to specific service requests- from submission to disposition.

It enables school districts to create, enforce, and preserve complete documentation of motor vehicle maintenance/repair service orders- quickly and effectively eliminating paperwork and streamlining operations with the efficiency of modern network communications.

Tracking a repair/maintenance order...
The best way to appreciate the power and simplicity of DMLT TransMaint is to see it in operation. After a brief introduction to the log-in screen, we will parallel the general sequence of an order as it passes through the system.

Login: All users must log in using a uniquely assigned user name and password.  Depending on the user's designated rank within the system, he will have program rights associated with one of the three choices below.

A specific user is assigned program rights as a...

  • Director
  • Supervisor
  • Mechanic
  • Other Authorized District Personnel



Maintenance Order: All users...

Maintenance Order Form

The first item on the form is a drop-down list for selecting the originating location.


All designated users

may submit a maintenance/repair service work order by selecting the NEW ORDER button and filling in the appropriate fields on the form for the type of service needed. 


An originating location can be a Bus Barn, Bus Depot, a School, or other facility, depending on the School District Management Practices.

The second item is the Order Type, such as Breakdown, Inspection, Routine Service, etc.
There is space for an optional Purchase Order number. This number is not required to initiate an order, and may be assigned at any stage before completion/cancellation,
depending on the individual school district management practices.

The fourth item is the Vehicle Identification Number.

The large text entry field on the form is for a description of the problem and any additional information as directed by your local policies.


Order Review: All users...

Once an order has been submitted, the program automatically assigns a unique, coded tracking number.

The ORDER REVIEW button generates a screen like the one at left.

The user may choose to view all active orders, completed orders, or only the orders within each category that he has submitted.

Most columns may be sorted by clicking on the column heading.

Supervisors, Mechanics and other Authorized Personnel may only review the status of vehicles assigned to their location, while the Director has access to all information in the DMLT TransMaint system.


Order Review provides instant information for all users...
Changes in status or Work Notes are updated in real-time, instantly available to all users.

Order Status
No matter what a user's rank or role within the system, the Order Review contains readily identifiable and easily interpreted information concerning the current status of an order.

The status of an Active Order...

Ordered – When an Initiator enters a repair/maintenance order, the program sets the status and generates an order tracking number.

Mechanic assigned – The supervisor either assigns the order to a mechanic, or may perform the work.

In Progress - The supervisor either assigns a mechanic or himself to the order to perform the work. The mechanic enters work notes to signify that he has the order and will be handling it. The work notes are visible to
all authorized users of the program.

Approval Needed – Where work required exceeds the scope of the order, the mechanic can designate a status of Approval Needed. This triggers an email to the supervisor, alerting him to the need for action.

The Supervisor grants or withholds approval for questioned orders within his location.

Back Order - Work is delayed for lack of parts.

The status of a Completed Order...

Completed – The service the order requested has been successfully completed.  Note: To complete an order for a vehicle, ending odometer readings must be entered after the repair. These are to be used for mileage tracking on each vehicle.

Cancelled – The order has been cancelled. An order with this designation is considered to be completed.

Please note: A completed order is closed, and cannot be changed.  Any work on the same vehicle will require a new order.


Order Detail, History, and Work Notes
From the Order Review screen, any information in the form of actions, notes, approval or completion status is accessible for each order by clicking on its tracking number.

Subsequent screens allow increasing levels of detail, from summarized histories to specific supervisor and mechanic Work Notes.


Order Review provides action alerts for specific user ranks...
If an order requires action by the current user, Order Review marks it with a blue arrow in the leftmost column.  Possible actions will vary depending on the rank of the user within the system.

Supervisor: Assign Mechanic, add Supervisor Work Note...
A supervisor's order review highlights new incoming orders. The supervisor reviews the order and selects a mechanic to be responsible for its execution.

The supervisor can add notes to any active order.

Supervisor or Mechanic: Add Work Notes, set status...
A supervisor or assigned mechanic's order review highlights repair/maintenance orders which require some action on his part.

As long as an order remains active, the supervisor or assigned mechanic may enter Work Notes about its progress.

Work Notes are always available to all authorized users of the system.

In situations where the mechanic does not access the program directly (an optional practice that will depend on the school district), information may be entered by a designated data entry clerk using a preprinted form that has been completed by the mechanic, such as a Repair Order Form or a Safety Inspection Form.



Reports: Director, Supervisor...

The DMLT TransMaint report generator is accessible only to a Director or Supervisor.

The DMLT TransMaint report generator is a filtering tool that answers questions like

"What orders were completed for a specific location between the months of X and Y?"


"Which orders did a specific mechanic complete between the months of X and Y?"


DMLT TransMaint includes built-in reports for:

  • Mechanic Analysis (tabulates and provides access to open and completed orders assigned to each mechanic)
  • Location Analysis (tabulates and provides access to open and completed orders originating from each location)
  • Cost Analysis (calculates cumulative and average costs for completed orders in specific date range, grouped by location, type, or by mechanic.
  • Fuel Efficiency Analysis (provides current and historical data per vehicle for fuel consumption and miles-per-gallon.)

The following features apply to all DMLT TransMaint reports (except the "Order Aging" graph):

  • Reports can be defined to restrict resultant data to a specified range of dates.  (Enter "From" and "To" dates in mm/dd/yy format, and click the button to "Set Range")
  • As illustrated below, reports provide full "drill-down" access to the underlying orders.  For example, clicking the "open orders" total adjacent to a specific mechanic's name will yield a list of all open orders assigned to that mechanic.  This list, in turn, links to details about each order, including all the relevant data entered into the system.
  • Reports calculate the average age of open orders, as well as the average time required to complete the ones that have been closed.  For example, the Device Type Analysis will show how long, on the average, it has taken to repair/maintain similar types of equipment, and to access work notes relating to those repairs.

A. List of open orders selected from "Mechanic Analysis" report shows every open order assigned to the specified mechanic.

B. A specific order pulled up from the list.

C. Work notes related to that order.

D. A complete, printable history of all entries related to the order.

E. Email links to key personnel involved with this specific order.

Similar levels of detail are accessible from all of DMLT TransMaint's tabular reports.

In addition to the built-in reports, technically capable users will find it easy to transfer data from the Reports results to standard spreadsheet programs (Excel, 123) for more advanced analysis, should it be required.

Help: From any place within DMLT TransMaint, users may access this document by selecting the Help button.

Log Out: From anyplace within DMLT TransMaint, users may log out by selecting the Log Out command at the top right corner of the program window.

Exit: After logging out, the Log-In screen appears.  Users may exit the system by selecting the [X] icon at the extreme top right corner of the program window.


A. How records are displayed
Pages which display multiple records will sort them chronologically, with the oldest orders first and the most recent orders last in the list. 

On some pages, such as the Order Review referenced above, the displayed information may be sorted by clicking on a column heading.  To reverse the order of the sort, click the same column head again.

B. More about the Order Review display

The Order Review display provides a lot of information in a relatively compact space.  There are essentially two sets of data: Active and Completed orders.

When selected, the Active Order Review displays active orders in green type

When selected, the Completed Order Review displays completed orders in blue type

Either of these may be filtered to show only those orders initially entered by the user. Additionally, contents may be sorted by clicking the column head, and the order may be reversed by clicking it again.

Column Contents:

P    F    [T #]   Init  Date   Status   Mechanic   Vehicle   Order Type  Location 

The 1st column "P" is the Priority Code. It can be set when the order is 
is initiated as L=Low, N=Normal and U=Urgent.

The 2nd column "F" is Flagged for this user.  An arrow indicates an item for the attention of the user who is logged into the program.

The 3rd column "T #" is the Order Tracking Number.  Clicking this will lead to detailed information on the order.

The 4th column "Init" identifies the Initiator who sent the order to the program.

The 5th column "Date" is the date that the order was sent.

The 6th column "Status" is the Current Status of the order. 

In Active Orders, this may be: Ordered, Mechanic Assigned, In Process, Back Order, Needs Approval, Supervisor Note or Mechanic Note.

In Completed Orders, there are two status types: Completed, or Cancelled.

The 7th column is the "Mechanic Assigned"

The 8th column is the "Vehicle Identification Number" - One of the list in the selection box

The 9th column is the "Order type" - One of the list in the selection box

The 10th column is the Physical "Location" of the problem or need.


C. Order status real-time  updates
All entries in DMLT TransMaint are updated by the program in real-time, so changes are immediately accessible by all users.  To view the most current status information while using the program, update/refresh your display by selecting the button for the section you are using.

D. User Information
The top right corner of the program window displays user information including user name, user rank, and user's assigned location. 

This section of the screen contains the [Log Out] command.  Please remember to end your session with DMLT TransMaint by selecting the [Log out] command before exiting the system or closing the program window.

Frequently Asked Questions

How secure is our data on Janus Group Servers?
See security at

For Janus Group Privacy Statement, click here.

The links above will open a new instance of your browser.  Please CLOSE the new browser window when you're done.

Can a client purchase Janus Group DMLT TransMaint Software?
DMLT TransMaint is a service of the Janus Group. The software is not available for sale.

Can a client receive contractual discounts if multi year agreements are negotiated?
Yes, contact us for details.

Are other aspects of the DMLT TransMaint System available for adding to the basic DMLT TransMaint System?
Yes.  We offer a Supply Ordering and School Repair Billing System, and a tracking system for extracurricular usage of school buses (field trips, etc.). Contact us for details.

Can different Role, Username and Passwords configurations be utilized for the DMLT TransMaint System?
Yes, several other configurations are available upon request.  Contact us for details.

Will Janus Group assist in integrating the DMLT TransMaint System as a working function of a District web site?
Yes, contact us for details. and examples.

Comments and Suggestions
If you are a current user of DMLT TransMaint, we welcome your constructive comments and suggestions.  Although we cannot respond to individual suggestions, they will be considered in future upgrades and revisions.

To submit a comment or suggestion, contact your supervisor.

Additional Information
If, after reviewing this document, you have questions which remain unanswered (or to find out more about how DMLT TransMaint can work for you), contact The Janus Group at the link below:

Online contact form...

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DMLT TransporTraxx program and materials copyright ©2003- 2010 The Janus Group, Inc.  All rights reserved.