Business Showroom
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A Janus "Communication Center" is much more than just a web site. It provides a central hub around which an organization and benefits administration can be organized. Remote enrollment, analytical reporting, automated premium payment and employee education are accessible within a few clicks from anywhere in the world.


Typical Janus Business EE Communication Center

Online recruiting- An on-line opportunity for a teacher or support personnel to look at Job Postings available and closeout dates and fill out an on-line application for a job and send it to the personnel department via the web. When prepared for online distribution, applicants can fill in and print out your official application forms for mailing.

Local Area - An opportunity for a prospective employee  to "get the flavor" of the community and it's culture. Giving them a positive outlook on the area helps prospecting for teachers.



New Employee Welcome and Orientation-  a detailed and friendly welcome on-line booklet, introduction and orientation of new staff members concerning FAQ's, benefits, company history, company mission, forms required, etc.

Employee Benefit Reference Library - A detailed Summary of Each benefit offered by the company.


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